MP Kakoba appointed to champion UN reforms
The Outgoing Member of Parliament for Buikwe North Onyango Kakoba has been appointed Executive Chairman of the African Parliamentary Alliance for UN Reforms (APAUNR), an international organization of predominantly incumbent and former Members of Parliament spearheading parliamentary advocacy for UN reforms in favour of Africa.
Kakoba was unanimously selected by the Search and Nomination Committee of the Geneva-based organization for a three-year term renewable once.
According to the criteria for selection, the Executive chairman is selected from among the influential African Parliamentarians with knowledge and expertise on international affairs more so on the African Union (AU) and UN systems coupled with interest in advocacy for UN reforms.
Kakoba who holds a Masters Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Studies from Makerere University is the Leader of Uganda’s Delegation at the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and Chairperson of the Committee of Justice and Human Rights at the Continental Parliament.
As the Executive chairman Kakoba will select ten members – two from each of the continent’s five regions of Eastern, Southern, West, North and Central – to form the Executive Committee that will elect among themselves the Vice-chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
APAUNR augments the efforts of the AU which in 2005 put in place a Committee of Ten Heads of State (C-10) to champion an African Common Position on UN Security Council (UNSC) reform that would see Africa represented as a permanent Member on the Security Council as enunciated
by the Ezulwini Consensus and Sirte Declaration.
The five permanent members of the UNSC with veto powers are; USA, Britain, France, Russia and China.
“As a Pan Africanist, I am greatly honoured to be called upon to make a humble contribution towards the continent’s empowerment. Africa needs concerted efforts to achieve our objectives”, Kakoba said of his new appointment.
At local level Kakoba who is leaving parliament after fifteen years is involved in an organization in which he is the Principal Director, Center for Democracy and Governance, that carries out research, policy analysis and consultancy on governance, parliamentary, media and international affairs.