Lugave clan members move to harness Face Book for development
Social media networks such as Facebook and Whats App today form a major part of people’s lives. They are powerful channels of news and information, communication and ease connectivity among friends, relatives and like-minded people across the globe.
Although social media has slowly degenerated into a gossiping platform for many in Uganda, some in Uganda are thinking otherwise.
Now members of Lugave clan, one of the largest clans in Buganda, have chosen to exploit existing natural bonds within our culture to forge unity with the purpose of propelling themselves for development.
The members who first met on Facebook have formed a group following a series of meetings which they have been holding once in a month for the past three months.
The group members numbering about two dozens so far, moved their virtual communication a step further when they formed a Whats App group after which they physically met at Centenary Park, subsequently on 18th June 2015 they chose interim leaders amongst themselves to help propel their dreams to another level.
“We are planning to use Facebook as a communication platform that will help us to generate ideas for development projects. Many of us are excited about this prospect,” says Hadijah Nakitende, one of the members of the interim committee that will chart the future of the group. Other members named on the committee include;
1.Nalweyiso Christine 2. Mutyaba Andrew Malcolm 3. Namakula Milly 4. Fredrick Mutyaba Mbizziyakitoogo 5. Nakitende Hellen
6. Nankinga Bibian 7. Ndugwa Achilles 8. Ssemakula Hassan
Below are the photos
Mutyaba Fredrick Mbizzi yakitoogo
Extreme right is Nakitende Hellen