Fundraising for ailing Bishop Nkoyoyo begin
The Church of Uganda has launched a nation-wide fundraising drive aimed at raising money to meet the medical costs for an operation to save former Arch Bishop Livingstone Mpalanyi Nkoyoyo in his war against cancer.
Reliable sources say that the church has sent a call to all churches under its jurisdiction.
The Bishop of Namirembe Diocese Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira, urged all churches under his supervision to respond to the call so as to save the life of Nkoyoyo.
Bishop Nkoyoyo was rushed to the United Kingdom late last year after his condition deteriorated. He was later diagnosed with esophageal cancer or cancer of the throat. It alleged that Nkoyoyo’s health worsened following the visit of Pope Francis in November 2015. It is suspected that the pressures as well as the stresses he endured as the chairperson of the fundraising committee to build the Uganda Martyrs Museum at Namugongo contributed to worsening of his health.
Archbishop Nkoyoyo served the Church of Uganda between 1995 to 2004 before handing over to Henry Luke Orombi.
According to family members, Bishop Nkoyoyo needs about Ushs250m in order to be operated on.
Bishop Luwalira told a congregation at Namirembe cathedral last Sunday that every church will be required to contribute an amount towards the treatment of Bishop Nkoyooyo. “This money will be kept by the main archdeaconry treasurer,”Luwalira said.
Rev Luwalira argued all Anglican churches to dedicate the 15th, 22nd, and 29th, of January to pray for Bishop Nkoyooyo and his family through this trying time.
Besides the Church effort, The Sunrise has learned that Nkoyoyo’s family is also running another public fundraising drive that seeks to appeal to all well wishers to donate money towards the cause by depositing money into a centenary bank account or sending it to his daughter’s mobile money number.
It is however surprising that the Nkoyoyos are struggling to raise money for their sick dad since the man has made a significant contribution towards the development of the country as a whole.