Kampalans without Toilets anger Mayor Sserunjogi
The Kampala Central Lord Mayor, is furious and very sad because of families without pit latrines or toilets in Central Kampala. There are an estimated number of 2800 homes here.
In an on-going sanitation week, the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), is sprearheading voluntary work; clearing trenches and collecting rubbish in the zones. “I can’t imagine that the town clerk is giving homes without pit latrines another grace period. Starting from the next second, every family in Kisenyi 1and the Church Area must have latrines without fail,” Sserunjogi ordered.
The KCCA Town Clerk, William Tumwine, gave homes without toilets an ultimatum period of one month “Depending on the cries of the residents and the councilor’s homes without latrines, we have given you a period up to April,” Tumwine said. But Sserunjogi refuted this on the grounds that this is an urban center where such laziness cannot be allowed.
According LC 1 Kisenyi Chairman, Sebatta Kabuye, the residents in this area lack toilets and latrine because of a high number of people; and the sewage pipes always leak. Besides paying high rents ranging from 100,000/=, onwards they are asking why this is happening.
The Mayor expressed his disappointment with politicians in Kamwokya who only use people for their political gain but do not tell them what is supposed to be done to promote sanitation in their places. This, according to him, has made people to lose the spirit of nationalism. “I encourage people to start demanding that their leaders deliver so that this backward thinking is eliminated from this urban area,” he added.
The tenants in turn blamed the landlords for paying deaf ears to their cry. Rajabh Kaliba, a resident from Kisenyi 1 said the problem is from the leaders who “eat” money from these landlords and do not build pit latrines for their tenants.
Kaliba reported that the chairman chased away all local council members from the committee; now he is the top man, with nobody answerable to him. This has brought many other problems like: breakage of trenches, when it rains; and, the sewages become swimming pools.
Kamwokya being notorious for ganja smokers, the local leaders said they fear gangs who live in the place and are willing to fight the leaders who try to force them to work. This was practically demonstrated when a young lady slapped Councilor Kakooya, when she was asked to clean her compound.