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Suspected child kidnapper survives lynching


Suspected child kidnapper survives lynching

Angry mob that nearly lynched the man

Pandemonium erupted in Kago zone, Mbuya (I) Parish in Nakawa division on Sunday when residents narrowly lynched an unidentified man they suspected of kidnapping a four year old girl.

Hadijah Nagawa, the girl’s mother and a seller of groceries at the village, narrated that the man came around at her stall and started talking to her daughter casually. When she stepped aside to wash her hands, she found that the man had disappeared with the girl.

She recollected the events saying: “He came when I was busy, I asked him to wait, which he did. As I was washing the hands, he grabbed the baby and started moving. My neighbour called me that the man is taking the child. We caught him, beat him and forwarded him to the LCI.”

The neighbour who identified herself only as Sharon, told The Sunrise that the man was drunk when he started playing with the girl and finally carried her.

“I asked him that please where are you taking the child? He answered, ‘me I love kids’. He fell down with the child, I called the mother who screamed, and we beat him and took him to LC 1”. According to Sharon, the man was drunk.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the violence was committed right in the home of the LC 1 chairperson’s residence.

In order to avert the possible lynching, the chairman Tony Kavuma, rescued the man and hid him into his house.
Chairman speaks out

“The annoyed residents brought the man to me and started beating him in front of my house. I decided to lock him inside the house and ran to police which came and took him away. Now the residents are blaming me for that,” Kavuma recounted the brave incident.



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