Italy Coronavirus deaths surpass China’s as U.S sees surge in cases

Deaths in Italy due to Coronavirus send warning to Western style behaviors
The European nation of Italy has lost more people to Coronavirus than any other country in the world since the outbreak was reported in China in December 2019.
Italy has now so far officially lost 3,405 people which is more than the 3,245 people that were reported to have died in China. Italy’s cases now stand at 41,038 and the situation has been exacerbated by a high daily death toll recorded during the last few days.
In a period of just 48 hours, since Tuesday March 17, this week, Italy reported that it lost 902 people, the highest death rate compared to China’s at the peak of the disease.
World-wide, cases of Coronavirus now stand at 253,796 with more than 10,000 deaths.
However, new information shows that the cases of Coronavirus in the United States of America doubled in just two days standing at US 14,138 according to the Johns Hopkins University, as States increased testing.
There are fears that the U.S could replace Europe as the epicenter of the disease as testing becomes more available, as opposed to recent days and months where only the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) was allowed to test.
The deaths in Italy have sent clear warnings that western-style ways of life that tend to put personal liberties above public rights are perhaps the greatest threat in handling the outbreak.
At the start of the outbreak, most westerners criticised China’s military style lockdown measures that put 11 million people in homes for weeks. In fact in the United Kingdom, politicians insisted that imposing similar measures would create fatigue before the virus peaked. But these attitudes have instead contributed to the spread of the infections.