WWF launches online call for environmental conservation

The Country Director WWF David Duli.
As Uganda prepares to join the rest of the World and celebrate the World Environment Day on 5th June 2020, under the theme “Biodiversity”. World Wide Fund for Nature in Uganda has launched the voice for the planet, a global online action calling on World leaders to agree on a new deal for nature and people.
The deal is meant to halt and reverse human impact on nature and protect the environment.
The Country Director WWF David Duli emphasized that changing individual lifestyle towards the environment is essential for conservation of nature.
“We must start by changing our behavior and adopt life styles that are friendly to the environment for us to put our environment on a recovery path.” Duli said
He added: “The voice for the planet platform will allow individuals to sign a petition and pledge to make a lifestyle change against nature.”
The platform will create a visual demonstration of the National, global demand and commitment to actions that will save our country.
Duli also added that with the funding WWF recieved from Hempel Foundation it will partner with the local government and the private sector to conserve the nature around Rwenzori Mountains National Park.
“We are working with Kasese local government and private sector to restore the buffers of Rwenzori Mountains National Park, we need everyone to contribute towards nature conservation and ending the notorious biodiversity loss.” Duli said
Uganda has witnessed massive nature loss characterised by defforestation, degradation of wetlands, pouching and destruction of habitants which has led to adverse effects of climate change such as flooding.
According to Daniel Ndizihiwe a Project Manager at WWF, “Nature can easily be conserved by joining hands together and throwing away the old habits of destroying it.”