Woman fined UGX 200,000 for lying about her age

Kaitesi in the dock
Jacqueline Kaitesi, 40, a resident of Namugongo Kira Municipality in Wakiso district was on Wednesday fined UGX 200,000 by the Buganda road court in Kampala after being found guilty of lying about her age in her attempt to seek for a passport from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to travel abroad for a security guard job.
It is alleged that Kaitesi committed the offence in 2017 after immigration officials at Entebbe international airport stopped her from traveling abroad for Kyeyo after they detected different dates of birth on her passport as well as national ID.
It is believed that all had gone well until a keen Immigration Officer at Entebbe critically looked at Kaitesi’s travel documents where he found out that the age on the passport didn’t match with the one on the National ID.
Kaitesi who had purported to be 31 years old, yet in actual sense she was 40 was then arrested by the Immigration Police and handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs which arraigned her to court and charged her with revamping dates of birth.
Kaitesi pledged guilty to the offence and asked for forgiveness citing that she was a first offender and a mother of two children who survive by her only support.
The Grade One Magistrate Gladys Kamasanyu, fined her with UGX 200,000 as a deterrent for other members of the public from committing similar mistakes again.