Ntagali’s sex scandal triggers internet storm

From Old to New: Former Archbishop Dr. Stanley Ntagali handing over power to his successor The New Archbishop of the Church of Uganda Rt. Rev. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu
Revelations that the former Archbishop of the Church of Church Dr. Stanley Ntagali is embroiled in a sex scandal has welcomed many people from the internet blackout with a huge sense of shock, shame and pain.
Everyone seems to have an opinion about this news item that arose from a letter by the reigning Archbishop Dr. Samuel Kaziimba about the transgressions of his immediate predecessor.
Many have chosen to trivialize it while others are expressing genuine pain that this is happening to someone so senior in their church that it will tarnish the image of the faith.
The fact also that the reigning Archbishop has taken an unprecedented tough stance to publicly suspend his immediate predecessor from conducting any further duties as a clergy has added fuel to the fire.
Archbishop Kaziimba’s letter dated January 13, to the Anglican Bishops under the Global Anglican Future Conference has been published widely.
Parts of the letter read that: “…I have informed retired Archbishop Ntagali that he is not permitted to function sacramentally, preach or represent the Church of Uganda in any way until further notice.”
Dr Kaziimba said: “It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my predecessor, retired Archbishop Stanley Ntagali, has been involved in an extra-marital affair with a married woman, which he has acknowledged. This adultery is a grievous betrayal on many levels.
Retired Archbishop Ntagali has betrayed his Lord and Saviour, his wife and their marriage vows, as well as the faith of many Ugandans and global Christians who looked to him to live the faith he proclaimed.”
Widely shared pictures of a bubbly young woman who is rumoured to be Ntagali’s mistress, have only escalated the debate with some arguing that the man of God was tempted to sin by the woman’s sheer beauty.
But others have condemned the former Archbishop as being reckless and for letting down his wife, church and followers.
But those who know Kaziimba say they are not surprised by the tough stance he has taken against Ntagali because they say he has for many years considered the institution of Christian marriage as an unbreakable bond and a pillar of faith.
Edward Muganga, the Vice President of Christian Men Fellowship at Mityana Diocese where Dr. Kaziimba served before he was elevated to Archbishop, remarks that Dr. Kazimba worked so hard to inculcate discipline and faithfulness among couples as a major principle in his ministry.
“He made sure that as many young people as possible, got married in holly communion. He established a scheme whereby the church would subsidize the wedding costs of members in the youth club.”