EC sets Dec. 16 for Kayunga LC 5, and other LC by-elections countrywide

Paul Bukenya Ag. EC Spokesperson
Following the sudden demise of Kayunga LC5 chairperson Muhammad Ffefeka Sserubogo in June this year, the Electoral Commision (EC) has set dates for the re-election of new Kayunga District boss.
According to the EC Spokesperson Paul Bukenya, polling for Kayunga District Chairperson will take place on December 16, this year along all other Local Government Councils by-elections.
“Polling for the District Chairperson, Kayunga, and other Local Government Councils shall take place on Thursday 16 December 2021, at all polling stations in the affected electoral areas,” he said.
The approved programme for conducting the by-elections intends to fill Local Government council vacancies in at least 110 districts across the country.
Other categories of vacancies to be filled during these by-elections include; Chairpersons at Sub County level, as well as Councillors at the District, and Sub County, including Councillors representing Special Interest Groups(SIGs).
According to Bukenya, the by-election programme will commence with an update of the National Voters’ Register from October 22 – October 26 at the parish/ward level in each of the affected electoral areas.
“The Commission has appointed Tuesday October 26 as the cut-off date for registration of voters and transfer of voting location in the above affected areas,” he said.
The display of the National Voters’ Register will be conducted from November 8 to 17, at all polling stations in the affected Local Government electoral areas.
The nomination of candidates will then be conducted on Friday November 29 and Saturday November 30 2021 at the respective district headquarters.
Candidates’ campaign meetings will be conducted for a period of thirteen (13) days, that is, from 2 to December 14,2021.
Polling and tallying of results for elections of Councillors representing Special Interest Groups (SIGs) shall take place on Wednesday December 15 2021.
All is set for Kayunga LC 5 Chairperson Polls
Following the sudden demise of Kayunga LC5 chairperson Muhammad Ffefeka Sserubogo in June this year, the Electoral Commision (EC) as by the law established has set dates for the re-election of new Kayunga District boss.
According to the EC Spokesperson Paul Bukenya, polling for Kayunga District Chairperson will take place in December this year along all other Local Government Councils by-elections.
“Polling for the District Chairperson, Kayunga, and other Local Government Councils shall take place on Thursday 16 December 2021, at all polling stations in the affected electoral areas,” he said.
The approved programme for conducting the by-elections intends to fill Local Government council vacancies in at least 110 districts across the country.
Other categories of vacancies to be filled during these by-elections include; Chairpersons at Sub County level, as well as Councillors at the District, and Sub County, including Councillors representing Special Interest Groups(SIGs).
According to Bukenya, the by-election programme will commence with an update of the National Voters’ Register from October 22 – October 26 at the parish/ward level in each of the affected electoral areas.
“The Commission has appointed Tuesday October 26 as the cut-off date for registration of voters and transfer of voting location in the above affected areas,” he said.
The display of the National Voters’ Register will be conducted from November 8 to 17, at all polling stations in the affected Local Government electoral areas.
The nomination of candidates will then be conducted on Friday November 29 and Saturday November 30 2021 at the respective district headquarters.
Candidates’ campaign meetings will be conducted for a period of thirteen (13) days, that is, from 2 to December 14,2021.
Polling and tallying of results for elections of Councillors representing Special Interest Groups (SIGs) shall take place on Wednesday December 15 2021.