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Airtel to reward phone-based business innovators


Airtel to reward phone-based business innovators

Airtel Uganda, one of the leading mobile and data communication service providers has introduced a campaign to identify the most exciting entrepreneurs in Uganda who have built businesses or other services that have transformed society.

The campaign is dubbed “Uganda needs you more” in which the company says it will showcase, recognize and support technological innovations by Ugandans.

Through this campaign, Airtel Uganda will require participants to share stories on how they have utilized technology to positively impact the lives of others.

Airtel Managing Director, Manoj murali says Ugandans need to know that they can use their phones beyond making phone calls and sending text messages.

“The transformative power of technology, supported by Airtel Uganda, is routinely displayed by the growth in digital based services and the number of people included in the ecosystem. Many of these are stories of hard work and resilience of millions of Ugandans with whom Airtel Uganda shares its growth story. Some of the inspiring stories are yet to be discovered and celebrated” said Manoj

He added that the #UGNEEDSMOREOFU campaign will help Airtel Uganda discover and celebrate more of such Ugandan stories.

Manoj cited three stories; The story of Dickson Mushabe, who founded the Dolphin Fund, a unique crowdfunding website through which Ugandans are raising funds to support noble causes within their communities.

From the health sector, Dr. Davis Musinguzi shared his story how technology led him to establishing Rocket Health which unlocked the power of telemedicine to save lives in many places.

Musinguzi noted that these stories demonstrate the entrepreneurial spirit of Ugandans that gets sparked by challenges and opportunities. These stories will inspire more Ugandans to aspire for more.

In the hospitality sector, one Catherine Nakatudde, who used WhatsApp to deliver meals for people in Kampala during the COVID-19 lockdown. She did this under her Ella Clear Foods brand.

“It was mainly because of the coivd19 pandemic that I joined the internet… my daughter told me that it was possible to start an online restaurant and it would even be better so we began with Whatsapp, posting photos, we would go status, we put up stories of what we had prepared that particular day so people would come in and when they watched it, they would get interested and call in…within no time we had more and more customers” said Nakatudde

Henry Njoroge, the Marketing Director for Airtel Uganda encouraged all Ugandans to come up and share their stories which will inspire people to take up technology and Uganda Needs More of You, will require participants to share stories through either, the Airtel Mobiste or by SMS (162) or by calling 162.

Njoroge said that initially they are focusing on bring out the stories to the limelight. The best stories shall be chosen by a panel of judges and the public. The company didn’t explain the rewards they intend to give to the winners.



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