Sheebah’s erotic dances force Educ. Ministry to ban shows in schools
The Ministry of Education and Sports has imposed a temporary ban on the holding of all entertainment performances by artists in school premises in an effort to stop the spread of indecency.
The Ministry says the temporary halt is meant to allow it develop guidelines on the same matter.
The move has been seen as a response to the spread of a video with erotic content and nudity by artist Sheebah Karungi.
The viral video triggered protests from parents and members of the general public, as inappropriate and a bad education for the children.
Renowned evangelist Pastor Dr. Martin Ssempa raised the red flag on Sheebah’s performances in schools as the root cause of the increased level of sexuality among children in Uganda.
The Spokesperson of the Education Ministry Dr. Dennis Mugimba yesterday August 8, 2022 posted the circular to all headteachers of all public and private primary and secondary schools starting that: “@Educ_SportsUg (the Twitter account of the Ministry) has put a temporary ban on hosting of performing artistes in premises of public or private Primary and Secondary Schools until Guidelines have been put in place by MoES.”
Sheebah was purportedly on a campaign against drug abuse in schools, which apparently transformed into sexualized performances.
Below is the statement of the Ministry.