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Chief urges on talent development


Chief urges on talent development

Players of Kinyoli FC celebrate a goal

Players of Kinyoli FC celebrate a goal

Sport is seen by many parents in Uganda as a risky affair and sometimes a waste of valuable time. Not to the Vice Chairperson of Kinyoli zone (A) in Namanyonyi Sub county Peter Waswa. Waswa who officiated at a Christmas football match between Kinyoli zone A and B, urged parents and leaders to put aside at least 10% of their annual earnings towards the development of talents for their children.

“I want to call upon all fellow leaders to begin deducting 10 percent from their total earnings and finance our young talents mostly at the village levels,” he added;
“I have seen the talents in our boys, they have really shown us that they just need our help.”

Ramadhan Mutiwa the captain of Kinyoli zone A said that they need help in order to polish their talents.

“We need a manager, a good coach and the jerseys so that our football is developed because we have the talents and passion for the game.” said Mutiwa.

The football match that was attended by a big crowd ended 2-0 in favor of Kinyoli zone A.



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