Mr. President let Jennifer Musisi do her work
Lately, which is now going back to a filthy city that it used to be.
Jennifer worked so hard to at least make Kampala a clean city but instead of giving her credit Politicians have gone ahead to undo what she has worked so hard to achieve. I thought that its just civilised to give credit where its due and I think the woman at the center of this achievemnet deserves the plaudits without it being politicised.
When the election period begun 3 months ago, street hawkers and vendors were allowed by government to resume their works on the streets of Kampala. These is evident if you try to vist the downtown streets of Kampala you will be surprised by the sty like situation in the streets.
Just this week I witnesse4d this first hand, Market Street, which had become free of vendors is now impassable again. Vendors with all colour are now selling things ranging from tomatoes, egg plants, green vegetables are scattered all over and in the middle of the road, the place has become a “Hell on earth”, its now so dirty and congested its just like a market place.
Ever since the presidential campaigns started, Jennifer Musisi’s hands got tied in the name of the president earning support from the residents of Kampala.
Taxis no longer have stages, we have gone back to the period of the pre-Jennifer days where taxi drivers would create stages at random. Now near Shoprite there is a stage in the middle of the road which touts have created to defying the order in the old taxi park.
Recently, president Museveni went ahead to criticize Jennifer that she is the main reason why he lost support in Kampala because of her strictness. We people who love the good things are asking president Museveni to please stop politicizing Jennifer’s job, let her do her work because it is the decent thing to do
And since her job is reforming the city, she has positively played her part, politicians should stop disrupting her so that she could offer her best.