Witchcraft on the increase
It’s scaring how this year witch craft has taken over media stories with ritual murders and killings taking cetntre stage.
If one story is about a child found dead in a shrine, the other will be about a mob destroying property of a witch doctor suspected to have killed someone.
For the safety of humanity in our country, I would suggest that it is high time we get rid of these so called ‘traditional healers’ who instead of saving life, they just take it by manipulating simple minded people.
It is on a sad note that recently in Rakai district, four bodies of children were recovered in suspected ritual murders. Skeletons of three children were found by residents who had gone to collect firewood from a forest in Kabaseke village and another mutilated body was found in Kasenyi village. It was discovered that some of their limbs were missing which led residents and police to suspect ritual murder.
In another incident, four year old Vicent Katongole escaped death after being rescued from his assailants who had already slit his throat.
In the same week in Kasese, police arrested two suspected witch doctors for killing an expectant mother and trying to bury her in their shrine. The witchdoctors, Julius Thembo, and Jackson Muhindo attempted to operate on the woman who died after the duo cut open her womb and removed the foetus.
According to the witch doctors, when this sick woman was brought to them by her husband, they discovered that she did not have enough blood. So, they trapped cats and rats and started feeding the woman on the blood of these vermins and its then that they decided to operate on her killing her in the process.
To make matters worse, when the police searched the shrine, they came across several items including human skulls and other body parts.
But that is not the only sad story, a month ago, a mad woman was reported to have killed two of her children in a shrine where she had been taken for treatment by her family.
With all these stories, it is evident that witch doctors have turned into murderers and are now masquerading as psychiatrists and surgeons. I don’t know where they get their qualifications but somehow they have managed to convince many stupid people that they posess such skills.
I am not sure how they manage to fool these naive people but I think its a high time that goveernment took a crack on these murderes and put a stop to this malaise.
If we continue to keep silent and put the blame on the simple minded people who approach these witch doctors, then I don’t know for how long we shall continue to lose our children and innocent people to them.
I kindly request the government to do something to curb these deaths. Otherwise we are still losing people to these con artists. May be we should start by condemning their so called leaders like Maama Fiina.
Much as the likes of those claim to be against these ritual murders, they have done nothing tangible to put a stop these murderes and yet it is their role and responsibility to regulate their group.