Residents protest garbage accumulation

Residents of Katende west village in Bugembe town council have demonstrated over the accumulation of garbage in their village without any sign of authorities coming to their rescue.
Kisule noted that fter constructing and planting rubbish pits and rubbish cans, Bugembe town council chairman Stephen Wante promised to mobilize residents to demonstrate over garbage accumulation in the town council.The technical staffs in Bugembe need to be investigated because they have failed to deliver to their expectations and are now misappropriating funds as residents suffer. The problem puts the area at risk of water borne disease outbreak” Wante told the sunriseHe lamented that every financial year there is that budget allocation for garbage collection but the officers in charge have forgotten their role.”Whenever I try to raise an alarm, people say that I am waging political wars but I am accountable and such are the problems I try to fight” Wante said.Early this month, Mr Wante wrote a dossier to Jinja chief administrative officer Oliver Nakyanzi and the Inspector of government asking them to investigate his town clerk Moses Magemeso and the town council finance officer Olivia Mutesi for fraud and corrupt tendencies.