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Ministry of health

Fatwa out on Kasuku


Fatwa out on Kasuku

Dembe fms Kasuku on 'fatwa'

Dembe fms Kasuku on ‘fatwa’

This time round, (the Dembe fm presenter) must be quaking in his pants. This is because, cost it is the norm in Ugandan Music industry beef if you are a friend of Bebe, then you are an enemy of Bobi.

But Kasuku has broken this rule as he has been marked as an enemy by both camps.

Apparently Bebe decided to resurrect his beef with Bobi Wine and this, as we all know, works for both of them as free publicity, especially because Bebe was planning his Serena show which is always risky business.

Then comes in Kasuku who decided to abuse both. Now as we speak, Fire Base diehards are looking for him, as well as the ‘Kanyamas’ of Bebe, who have been given the work of looking for him.

This is what the Muslims call ‘fatwa’ a decree that comes from high, to finish one off!



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