TV stations fight for Straka Baibe
That WBS is going through hard times is not news (Infact Rafiki prays that they get out of the bad stuation thet they are in); that they are stream lining their staff is not news either, is also not news.
The news is what Rafiki has just learnt; Rafiki has been told that, NBS and ABS, are busy going behind Wava’s station trying to lure Straka Baibe with hefty salaries to ditch WBS.
A close source has whispered to Rafiki Straka is still worried about what will happen after almost 15 years on the Late Night show.
Rafiki has also learnt that other workers at NBS are already worried because of the massive following Straka commands.
Will she cross to Pastor Iga’s atation or to NBS?
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