Weasel, Aganaga fight over girl
For Aganaga, because he is not officially known to be married or engaged man, but for Weasel someone who is tied to a beautiful Chotara girl, it is inexcusable.
Our snooop was present when Weasel promised to bash the head of Aganaga over a girl. The girl in this confusion is a one Susan, and our snoop was shocked at the seriousness of Weasel and at his anger.
Aganaga knew better than to argue because at that point Weasel was with his group, in fact Weasel dared Khalifa aka Aganaga to say even a word and see the results, something Aganaga never wanted to.
Our snoop was worried with what one of the witnesses commented, mbu kati Aganaga tatya bulwadde? Literally translated that does Aganaga not fear the disease?
When our snoop tried to inquire more about the statement, the guy just gave him a long look and asked him, eeh ogamba tomanyi… ononyako bigambo” as in you mean you do not know it seems you are trying to get information out of me.
This made our snoop even more worried wondering what kind of disease could be afflicting our Weasel.