Life & Style
Are you the kind of man women want?
Surprisingly what will make women happy are the simple things that men don’t mind about. Believe it or not, it tends to be the little things that make women the most satisfied in relationships. Among them is time. The vast majority of women in happy relationships get some good minutes of uninterrupted time with their husbands each day. Secondly they want to be appreciated for everything they do. And they should be understood therefore men are advised to understand their partners.
When my sister told me that she wants a man who is physically strong something came into my mind; we human beings are still animals and that’s why women will always be attracted to the stronger men. She wants you to be strong not for the sake of being strong but to be strong for her. It brings her pleasure, makes her feel safe and turns her on. I don’t think you still need to be convinced over this. No woman wants a physical weakling; it’s against her nature. She wants to feel safe when she is in your presence.
In relationships there is something called blind loyalty; women want men to view them as special and precious, the only special thing that has ever happened to a man’s life. Both men and women have big egos. We want to feel special. We want to feel unique and better than the rest. We are competitive by nature and there is no getting around it. Women want a man who sees the world in her; her and only her. If you are such kind of man, you have plenty of female followers behind you.
Every girl loves a man who is comfortable in his own skin. It makes them feel safe and protected and nothing feels sexier than that. Women won’t stand your arrogance. If it is your fault and you are clearly in the wrong you owe it to us. Go on, say the magic word. Sorry can go a long way in relationships. It somehow nurses the emotional wounds. Women are not actually seeking attention as most men think. It doesn’t cost you anything to be understanding and take interest.
To be able to impress a lady, humor is undeniably one of the most important traits a guy can possess. A sense of humor is not only clutch in being able to break the ice with a babe, it is crucial to the success of a long-term relationship. Life is not always peaches and cream, and women truly value a partner who has an ability to see the lighter side of things. What is the point of dating if you can’t make each other laugh on a daily basis? Women want to be with someone who knows how to have fun.