Life & Style
All humans are beggars
Every city has beggars that flap their hands to passers by. Beggars are street flowers that add beauty to the city. In fact a city without beggars ceases to be a city. A certain writer said that beggars are the leftovers of creation. If such a statement is to be taken as the truth then am worried because all humans are beggars of some sort. Does that mean all of us are left over’s of creation?
If beggars do not hate the rest of us, you have probably seen some sort of pan handler.
For whatever reason, they can’t seem to find a job so they resort to begging for money on the street. Often times they have addictions, some of them have psychological problems, and some of them are in it for the money. Often times pan handlers and beggars can make much more money than you or I make.
Ever been stopped by a person begging for money? Imagine an evening when you are heading downtown and this old lady pulls you over. Being somewhat in a hurry you are reluctant to stop but then you finally decide to listen to her story.
She shows some prescription pills and informs you that she has been discharged from the hospital and has no money to take her back to her home. It gets tricky for you especially when that person uses some sort of medical problem as a way to obtain money.
Whenever someone begs you it is normal finding yourself wondering what happened in the person’s life to bring them to this level. Is it a case of falling on hard times, abandonment by parents, lack of family support or just plain laziness? Every life has a story but unfortunately some never get told. Naturally you find your self helping.
Someone told me that bagging and prostitution are the oldest professions in the world. Another similarity between the two professions is that they get upgraded each year. Modern beggars mobilize money through fund raisings, church collections , sending budgets for weddings , graduation parties, hospital bills and so on. This makes every one a beggar.