Life & Style
Solutions to curb sex-lessness in your marriage
The benefits of sex in our lives is a topic that has been covered by so many articles, but few discuss what to do when you find that your marriage is threatened by sex-less.
Although traditionally we are told that bedroom matters are supposed to remain in the bedroom, this does not mean that the problems emanating from the bedroom should be swept under the rug and ignored. It should be known that the effects will always re-surface in other ways and/or will eventually lead to an outcome that is often not desirable.
There are many reasons that bring about sex-lessness in relationships; they range from children, job stress and financial problems.
But all these, should never be reason for a couple to stop enjoying their sex, because, It has been realized that because of their busy schedules, couples usually relegate sex to the bottom of the list because it not made a priority anymore.
Below are some of the solutions that a couple can employ to save their sex:-
Plan and plan well
Though it may seem un important to schedule time for sex, planning can actually save one from a sex-less relationship.
While planning, you both have to agree on the date, time and frequency and make sure that you both stick to the plan.
In case you stray and play sex outside the scheduled plan, it’s a plus but the schedule should remain as a form of reassurance that you will both make sex your priority.
Planning will also help you to organize your time around being intimate, rather than trying to fit intimacy into your schedule. Build up sexual chemistry if you find it hard to get in the mood during the scheduled time, start by cuddling together or flirting with each other. Give each other compliments or simply listen to each other’s day while lying in bed. Focus your full attention on your partner’s sexuality. This could be as simple as taking a hot bath together, or a long massage with scented oils while in bed.
Sexy lingerie
Lingerie can be a simple, but effective way of surprising your partner. Partners especially ladies should play around with different lingerie to find out what can up the mood for your man.
Many an individual like touching, as partners its imperative to learn what triggers off your partner, it is also important that couples tell each other the body parts that are sensitive to touch and can turn one on.
This is a new word that I have just learnt which means a ‘vacation’ devoted entirely to sex.
It is something that a couple can try at least once in a month. This sex-cation can actually bring back the intimacy as one is locked alone with ones partner. Shutting the world away for exclusive privacy.
Sex-cations usually occurs over a long weekend, and the couple spends most of their time either in bed, having nothing else but sex.
Experiment new tricks
Boredom is one of the major causes of sex-lessness between a married couple, many a time, partners tend to fall into a routine or the usual positions in the bedroom. This is indeed a number one killer of sex therefore:
*Discuss more adventurous positions
*Be willing to try things you both haven’t tried before to see if they can work for you.
*Don’t be afraid to experiment.
Actions speak louder than words
Sometimes, partners fall into a sexual pothole just because one of them isn’t getting things right.
When cracks develop because you have failed to put into words the things that turn one on or if you are new with each other.
Also, spending a long time together can bring in such questions as why tell me now?
Thus demonstration and showing your spouse what you like has a bigger chance of getting what you want more than mere talking! Acting will be clear to your partner and they will quickly know what turns you on, and therefore your spouse will be able to follow your lead.
Take turns showing each other how you like it. Be generous towards your spouse and focus on pleasing them your spouse should then do the same for you.
Lastly, be selfless, meaning that even if you don’t feel like doing it, and your partner is in the mood, just do it! Don’t make your partner be sexually deprived take him/her kiss them, caress them, and feed them this meal they are so hungry for, and remember Sex is great between a couple when there’s mutual trust, freedom, security, respect, play, and excitement.
Good sex in marriage is not only physical; its also emotional.