Life & Style
‘The bitterest truth’
Temple of Wisdom
in fact, so many people thronged into it to listen, with their own ears, the rare secrets that some greedy powerful people had hidden from them, for years.
The New Year is a few weeks old. Some people are happy but we also see tears rolling down the cheeks of those that the world neglected and dumped into the streets and dark corners in this world.
I am here, at this table, pressing the buttons of this key board but I know that so many men and women and children, down there, need hope and want to be told that hard life can end and that tears can be turned into joy.
Never despise little beginnings. In the beginning I knew nothing about this technology that makes one’s work look the easiest to do. It was patience and persistence, and the genuine desire to succeed, that enabled me to discover more qualities that enable the great to climb up the great mountains where the rest of the world praises them from.
I never believed it in the beginning that I would sit down even senior advisors to the leaders of this world to give them more tips on how to handle dirty politics players. I didn’t believe it, so much, that the temple would grow so much in such a short period of time. Some men or women can be trusted but it is always not easy to convince a man or woman to believe and take up a new idea.
It is true that I moved at a lame man’s pace last year. I had to do that because a few people had known the location of the temple so I had to call upon those far and near, here and abroad, to gather so that I may avoid repeating what I had preached earlier. Fortunately now a lot of people heard our call and came to listen and see, for themselves, the sources of true greatness.
Last year I almost revealed nothing of what I know makes men and women very outstanding. I said a little about why Mandela spent 27 years in prison but still came back with enough enthusiasm which even forced him to say that he still had the desire to be a leader of men and wise women, both white and black, in the then deeply divided South Africa.
You might be aware but let me remind you that the current leader of this country passed through a lot and to him the chances were not there for him to escape alive from the jungle. He might rule again, as it is expected, but let me advise him, as a wise man: Let him reward, fully, whoever helped him overcome.
Let him do it especially to those ordinary ladies or men who accommodated him and shared a lot with him and his impoverished, ill-equipped and almost half-clothed men. If he does so, he will live in peace even after he leaves power.
To me this is a very special year. If Museveni wins, I will continue to completely believe in the power of persistence, and the power of the lack of fear. And if Besigye tries to climb slightly up, to the place he desires to be, I will have to stand here to urge him to continue seeking that place that he and his family greedily want.
This year will truly give me some of the answers to the questions that I have been asking myself for some time now. I will know exactly why Abed Bwanika comes back again and again to contest yet he has less sensible reasons why he contests.
This is the year I will continue to laugh at people like Ken Lukyamuzi and Betty Kamya. This year will prove to me, more, that this country needs more accurate thinkers. I will know, this year, why we people, in this country, talk more and manufacture less. The lack of space prohibits me from writing at length. But now I want to inform you, and tell you, not to waste so much of your time on politics.
Who knew that Amama would act that way against his former employer? You perhaps didn’t expect the ever silent man to spit fire at such a time when the man at the top wanted more of his advice. Leadership is needed but a leader may do nothing if the follower is not willing to be cooperative.
So many countries are still in poverty yet they were blessed with wise leaders. For me it’s changing minds. Turn up in great numbers on the Election Day and vote, into power, the person you think will think for this country and perhaps help you think for yourself.
Do not be intimidated by what contesters say. Respect your heart and vote like you wish. I don’t expect anyone to interrupt my schedule perhaps because he masterminded violence.
No, this country is ours. It belongs to the people of this country. Even the buildings, in this city, belong to us. Bring them down and you will have to give me all the reasons why you did it. Wisdom is sweeter than honey. Meet me next time.
Sekka Bagenda is a writer.
An inspirational Public Speaker and a Sports Scientist.
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