Life & Style
How Musa Kavuma aka KT made his billions
Two weeks ago, the sunrise promised to bring who Uganda’s richest showbiz celebrities and how they made their dime. Today we bring you Musa Kavuma aka KT and how he made his billions
Many people don’t even know that Kavuma Musa is the owner of KT Promotions. This low profile gentleman is ranked by our panel as the richest showbiz personality in Uganda. Born about 45 years ago in Masaka to Hajji Yasin and Hajati Nalwoga.
From those close to Kavuma will attest to the fact that he is filthy rich, but his mode of operation can be termed as silent. Few people even know that he has managed to organize shows that have raked in billions of shillings for so many years.
He has accumulated his wealth through organizing mega concerts popualarly known as Launches or Bivvulu in Kampala speak.
But Kavuma is not new in this industry. Among the many musicians who have gone through his managerial hands include; the lates Kadongokamu star Paul Job Kafeero, Martin Angume.
He has also brought on scene singer Betty Mpologoma from diamonds production, not to mention that he was one of the main pillars behind the founding and runaway success of Eagles Productions. With the demise of Eagles as we know it, Kavuma moved on with a break-away faction that came to be known as Golden Productions.
Some of his most memorable and perhaps his most profitable shows is the 2007 Lucky Dube show. He is also the brain behind the discontinued CBS Ekitoobero show that was staged around mid year. He’s also been central in organizing Bukedde FM’s Embuutu Yembutikizi (He is known to invest as much as 60m in these shows and in return harvest a tenfold at the show’s end.)
Kavuma has used unorthodox tactics to market and promote his brand musicians as a way of attracting public interest and stimulating debate prior to the shows. In fact one would think this guy studied journalism for his love of controversy. He is rumored to have been the brain behind some of the biggest rivalries in Uganda’s music industry including Bebe Cool and Bobi Wine, the Gudlyfe.
Kavuma is rumored to have offered Kenzo some Ushs50m to do a battle with David Lutalo, a figure Kenzo rejected asking for Ushs100m He took the unthinkable risk of advising Chris Evans to cry on television and launched his ‘Omulungi ‘ Album the same day with Ugandan golden boy chameleon when he was launching ‘Valu valu’. Insiders say Evan’s crying bit won him lots of sympathetic revelers and for Kavuma 100’s of millions.
Record has it that he is the first person to start charging entrance fees of 10k, a rise of almost 300%. Now lately he has been engaged in organizing football matches. But he insists that he was the first person to organize an international match between KCC and a south African Uganda Cranes matches require so much preparations and logistics. But this has not stopped Kavuma from trying them.
Working with Balaam, Kavuma has organised a few recently including involve so much money (profit) in them that the organization is often done by KT and Balaam, Imagine collecting entrance fees ranging between 20 and 100,000 per person for over 30,000 people?
From his hugely successful showbiz industry deals, Kavuma has built other businesses in car dealing.
Kavuma is the proprietor of Pacific Car Bond where he has over 300 cars. Now he has extended his car business to Rwanda where his brother manages the bond in Kigali.
Being a Swahaba, Kavuma maintains three mega homes (read three wives), one in Muyenga, Busega and the recently built home in Sseguku where he is scheduled to hold an Introduction party for his Daughter.
Real estate mogul
The real estate boom has been a major attraction for loaded Ugandans. And Kavuma has not been left out. He started a construction company called Suza construction and Mukavu Constructions Uganda limited. He has apartments/rentals not only in Kampala but also his home district of Masaka.
In Masaka he is also known as a farmer of respective measure. Being a teetolian by nature, he is never flashy and drives ordinary cars. He is never in groups and is known to be mean. Unlike other musicians, Kavuma doesn’t move with groups and we think this is part of the pillars of his success.
His total worth as we have revealed is worth about One million dollars, and is not dirty money as some of his peers in the industry. Our panel doesn’t quite understand why he has not obtained a Hammer or some posh car to rival peers in the industry. But the answer perhaps is found in his austere lifestyle.
Next week, we reveal the real source of Bobi Wine’s cash