UNCC to celebrate World Theatre Day
Uganda is set to join the rest of the world in the celebrations of World Theatre day through the Uganda National Cultural Center (UNCC).
The annual celebrations exist purposely to bring together theatre lovers and popularize theater and theatrical activities to the public.
In Uganda, World Theatre Day will be celebrated under the theme “Theatre is a Shrine of Witty Men and Women: Who will moderate the over-pouring creative spectacle during and post the Covid-19 times?”
According to Francis Peter Ojede, the Executive Director of UNCC, the Government of Uganda recognizes theatre as a medium that appeals to the visual imagination in the lives of the people and UNCC treasures this day as it under pins one of its core mandates of preservation, promotion, and popularization of Uganda’s performing art/theatre in Uganda and beyond.
” The Government of Uganda recognizes the role of theatre in the lives of the people. Theatre is an institution that puts play aspects of humanity that are inherent in all of us and portrays the lives that we lead, regardless of our cultures. It, therefore, unties, in a unique way, people of diverse cultures as they portray life through song, dance, drama, etc.” He noted
Francis added that theatre work can only be diverse if it’s promoted by the people who are already within the institution.
“To further the works of theatre it must be promoted by the people who are already within this institution as a way of passing on their God-given talent to the next generation. In celebrating World Theatre Day, we are celebrating a medium that appeals to the visual imagination.”
Robert Musiitwa, UNCC communications officer highlighted that the event will have a live streamed symposium with key note address from celebrated theatre professor, Director, Academician, and ITI President Dr. Jessica Kaahwa followed by theatre monologues from Uganda’s powerful theatrical performers and profiles of women who have impacted theatre world in Uganda.
”The main activity is the symposium which will be streamed live in zoom and all other UNCC social media platforms and the Key Note Address will be delivered by Dr.Jessica Kaahwa a celebrated theatre professor, Director, Academician, and ITI President with Ms. Viola Karungi; Ms. Amelia Mbotto Kyaka;Mr. Musisi Munnagomba; Dr. Richard Kagolobya, and Ms. Rehema Nanfuka as the panelists. The session will be moderated by Linda Nabasa.” He said.
Among the women to be profiled is Maraim Ndagire, Deborah Assimmwe, Adong Judith and Angella Emurwon. Asked the criteria followed in choosing these women, Musiitwa says they only took notice of women who are not only theater performers but also those who have worked the Ugandan National Cultural Center.