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Coping with a broken heart


Coping with a broken heart

Coping with a broken heart

Coping with a broken heart

New Ugandan movie tells it all

Solace, tells a story that many people would relate to, but never seen before through the eyes of a young woman. She takes on anger and revenge as the only way to comfort herself from a heart break.

The film was shot by Roy Cwinytado; lighting was by T.C. Brown; and is produced by Jimmy Jaban Ssekandi. It was written, directed and edited by Paul ‘Nego’ Okurut.

The film stars Michael Wawuyo Jr, Peninah Nantume Namirembe, Godfrey Musinguzi, Sivan Pavin Alungat and Ruth Kawooya Mirembe. Okurut said he was inspired by life and people’s stories. He has directed three movies Broken Silence, Nakku and Solace, the latter, which is coming soon.

In Uganda, the rate of murders related to relationships is on the rise for different reasons. One would ask themselves a question: “Why would two people, who once loved each other and had good moments together, turn out to be so heartless to the extent of killing each other; or even causing merciless injuries and damage to that person.

Detective Okurut (Wawuyo Michael Jr.), is tasked to investigate a complicated Police case involving a burned house and a missing man. And there is only one lead, Cynthia (Peninah Namirembe Nantume), the missing man’s ex-girlfriend, who was dumped when he got married to another woman.

Even when detective Okurut has his leads, Cynthia is not your everyday suspect. She is connected in and outside the Police and she is ready to take on anything. Will detective Okurut find that one missing piece to the puzzle?

 Director: Paul “Nego”Okurut

 Writer: Paul “Nego” Okurut

Stars: Michael Wawuyo Jr, Peninah Namirembe Nantume, Godfrey Musinguzi, Sivan Pavin Alungat and Ruth Kawooya Mirembe.



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