Kyabazinga: Ambasador job still intact
The Kyabazinga of Busoga William Gabula Nadiope did not appear for vetting and possible embarrassment before his subject and speaker of Parliament Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga.
But his hope of getting a job from the government appears to be very much alive, according to reports from highly-placed sources in government.
State Minister for Foreign affairs Henry Okello Oryem this week revealed that Kyabazinga’s appointment is still valid despite having skipped vetting, indicating that his appointment as an Ambassador in the Office of the President is only advisory and therefore never requiring vetting.
The appointment of Gabula however triggered widespread criticism among his subjects with many saying that a king is not expected to work.
In fact Kyabazinga’s appointment caused some elite Basoga to threaten to drag him to court for violating their culture as well as the Uganda constitution which bars cultural leaders from engaging in partisan politics.
But according to Oryem’s argument, the Kyabazinga’s could still achieve his dream as despite the semantics surrounding his title.
If that were to be the case. Some Basoga insist that they will still pursue him so that he performs his strict roles as a cultural leader.
“However much they will disguise that appointment, we are wide awake and I can assure you we won’t be fooled. We are still going to court on grounds that they have dragged our Kyabazinga into partisan politics in contravention of the 1995 constitution,” Basalirwa vowed.
Okello Oryem’s interpretation mirrors president Museveni’s tone last week while officiating the Kyabazinga day celebrations insisting that Gabula’s appointment was not in breach of the law.
“I know the law and when I appointed Kyabazinga to that position I was well aware that it is not unlawful,” Museveni said.
But Basalirwa admitted that the task involved in taking the matter to court is an enormous one due the absence of an official communication from the appointing authority about the appointment from which to pin the government and the Kyabazinga for purposes of the proposed suit.
“We are waiting for an official document regarding this appointment because it is hard to file a case without the proof of a document,” Basalirwa added.
But Busoga’s Katukio (prime minister) who doubles as the Executive Director of the National Planning Authority Dr. Joseph Muvawala remained noncommittal saying that “consultations are still ongoing about the matter.”
Last week, the Busoga Lukiiko coupled with the council of chiefs wrote to the Kyabazinga expressing their disapproval of the appointment calling upon him to turn it down.