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Black Friday shopping craze at Shoprite


Black Friday shopping craze at Shoprite

Shopers brought cars to take away stuff

Shoprite Supermarket along Ben Kiwanuka street is experienced something probably never seen before as thousands of people poured into the store this morning to take advantage of its Black Friday shopping promotion.

The Black Friday shopping promotion, an American tradition, has seen most people brave early morning showers to line outside the store in order to enter. Those that had entered earlier, were forced to carry their merchandise in the rain as there was no space to wait.

Coke products were the most sought after items due to the massive price cut

The supermarket chain slashed prices by up to 50percent for some of the items including 2-litre bottles of Soda. Other major price cuts were recorded for some brands of cooking oil such as Sun seed by Mukwano. A couple of other suppliers such as Unilever also participated in the promo by reducing prices for some of their personal hygiene items.

Demand is so high that those that managed to grab discounted items have faced yet another difficult task of getting out because of the lengthy queues behind the counter.

The scale of the shopping suggests that majority of the buyers were resellers as opposed to final end consumers. This was seen from the fact that many people had to hire vehicles as big as pick-ups to ferry the purchased merchandise.



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