Rotaract club treats community and donates water tank
Over 900 residents of Kinawataka, in Kireka town Kira municipality were happy recipients of free medication that came during a one day health camp that was organized by the Rotaract club of Kinawataka.
The medical camp was held at St. Matia Mulumba Primary school Kireka saw over 900 people get medication and check-up for conditions such as HIV, malaria among others. Rotarians also donated a 10,000 litre water tank to the school.
The Rotarians and members of the community also donated blood to the Uganda Red Cross team as Children were de-wormed and advised on public health and personal hygiene.
Martin Kisitu, one of the residents in the area thanked the Rotarians for the good gesture saying the health camp was a timely development that considering the difficulties they go through trying to access treatment from government health centres, but also the prohibitive cost of accessing healthcare at private clinics.
The project chairman Kenneth Wabuteya said as Rotarians they organized the medical camp to help, members of the community access treatment and mostly know their HIV status he added on that those who were found HIV positive were given basic treatment and counseling.
He added on “The 10000 water tank donated is to help provide the children of St. Matia Mulumba with safe and clean water as we found out that the biggest challenge to is to clean and safe water.
The deputy Head teacher of St. Matia Mulumba James Ssonko thanked the Rotaract club of Kinawataka for the sign of compassion as most of the community members and parents had different health complications but due to the high cost of treatment.
He added the donation of a water tank was a blessing and a precious gift would save children from dirty water they would get even after long distances.