IGG House to save taxpayers UGX2.5bn annually

The proposed Inspectorate of Government House
The government has resolved to put to an end to a two-year dispute regarding the procurement of a contractor to build the home of the Inspectorate of Government. The government has now chosen the popular Roko Construction company to undertake the job.
This week, Finance Minister Matia Kasaija broke the ground for the construction of a 15-storey building at Clement hill road in Kampala.
The building is estimated to cost UGX70billion and will take three years to complete. But if it gets completed, and gets to be used, the cost will be almost a drop in the ocean considering the amount of money that was being spent in rent by the office of the IGG at Jubilee House along Parliamentary Avenue.
While officiating at the ground breaking ceremony for the building at plot 71-75 Yusuf Lule Road and 24-26 Clement Hill Road, the Minister of Finance Planing and Economic Development Matia Kasaija said that the building will help government cut costs in rent.
Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of the event, Justice Mulyagonja revealed that the construction of the 15 storey building will take 36 months to complete.
She added that the building will house all the departments of the inspectorate and will include conference halls, a canteen and a temporary holding prison for public officials who will be caught in corruption scamdals.
The Inspectorate of Government is an independent institution charged with the responsibility of eliminating corruption, abuse of authority and of public office.
By Innocent Kayiza