UNCC plans cultural museum
The Uganda National Cultural Center (UNCC) is set to launch the initial Cultural Tourism Museum aimed at attracting people from around the world to Uganda’s cultural experience.
The museum will be launched during the second Annual Art and Culture Festival to be held between November 1st and 3rd at the Uganda National Theatre.
For the lovers of tourism and culture, recharge your energy as this year’s edition is aimed at showcasing and promoting Uganda’s rich cultural diversity and at the same time create opportunities for women and the youth for community development.
This year’s edition will be celebrated under the theme “Culture for Sustainable Tourism” and all cultures from all regions will be represented.
Robert Musiitwa, the UNCC’s Public Relations Officer, said this year’s event is set to popularize Ugandan culture.
“The festival will link culture to tourism which resonates with UNCC’s mission to promote and popularize Ugandan culture locally and globally,” he said.
Representative groups from different regions have already been selected by the UNCC management team together with Suzan Kerunen, Dr.Micheal Muhumuza, OKeng George and Mutonyi.
Selected groups include Alur Kingdom, Super Eagle, Basoga Bakoberawa, Batwa Cultural Troup, Tukole Namanyi Community Association Cultural troupe and Mugahinga.
Other activities for the three days festival will be performances from prominent pop artiste, symposia and food exhibitions.