We must thank God for the relatively fair rains

The rains though have been destructive in some areas of Uganda but the situation is safe in Uganda
The news coming from West, Central and some parts of East Africa indicate that there are destructive rains falling in those places. And at the other end of the climate spectrum, especially is certain places in southern Africa, there is severe drought.
For us here in Uganda, it is true that we have experienced heavy rains, which in some places have brought floods. In those places the food supply is likely to be affected as the gardens planted with crops have been submerged. The likelihood is that the harvests will be affected bringing hunger, and even famine. We should manage this with the supply coming from the parts of the country not severely affected; this is a matter for the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness.
Still, when you consider what has happened in West Pokot, in Kenya, and even some parts of northern Ghana, Uganda is relatively safe. For this, we must thank the Almighty that He has spared us the horrors.
Some people will say that I am not being realistic; that I should consider the disruptive showers happening everyday as we go to work. But I would say that, is this worse than the deluge and the landslides experienced elsewhere? Moreover, this time round we appear to have managed our situation in the Elgon Mountain range.
Alupusi Imongit, Kumi