YALTA Agroecology Caravan to take place in Mbarara and Kampala

Richard Mugisha the YALTA country manager
The Youth in Agroecology And business learning and Track Africa (YALKTYA) 2021 caravan involving 40 youths aged between 18 and 35 years will kick off on Monday March 22, the YALTA country manager Richard Mugisha has said.
Mugisha said, the Caravan will be held for five days in the Districts of Kampala and Mbarara, this is aimed at introducing the youth to the principles of agroecology, practical skills and agro ecological business development through Knowledge transfer sharing and learning from real life experiences of successful and scalable agro ecological business models.
“This initiative will support rural and urban startups and progressive entrepreneurs in the Agrofood sector especially those involved in production value addition agro-input supply and agro processing” Mugisha said.
YALTA is an organization targeting youths in Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Kenya, this follows a market based approach and convenes a wide range of stake holders from seed distributors to academia, and farmers to policy makers all sharing knowledge and experiences aimed at collective advancement from identifying the major issues to co-creation of solutions.
Mugisha says the Caravan targets young innovators markets, youth leaders who are passionate and motivated about their business and are ready to be change makers in developing sustainable and scalable agro ecological business models.
Agroecology is a way of reshaping food systems, from the farm to the table with a goal of achieving ecological, economic and social sustainability.
It is the study of interactions between plants animals, humans and the environment within agricultural systems.
Mugisha says the Caravan will conclude with strategic field exposure visits at the different agroecology firms and a youth in agroecology symposium in Kampala.