First signs of end to Ukrainian war emerge

President Zelensky in a solidarity photo with European leaders
The initial signs of an end to the bloody war in Ukraine have emerged.
One of them came by way of a reassuring message from the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky who says that talks with Russia are beginning to sound realistic.
The second indicator is that Russia appears to have halted it’s advances on Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, a move that has allowed four the Prime Ministers of Chech Republic, Poland and Slovenia to travel by train and met with Ukrainian President Zelensky.
Their trip was by no means a suicide attempt after the Russian forces have fired misiles at trains and residential buildings in Ukraine over the recent past.
Other analysts argue as well that Russia may have secured a commitment from Ukraine that they will not be members of NATO soon, a key reason for his invasion of Ukraine.
The Eastern European leaders are in Kyiv to lend moral support to their Ukrainian brothers and sisters.
Slovenian PM Janez Jansa told Ukraine’s people: “You’re not alone. Your fight is our fight and together we will prevail,” the BBC quoted Jansa.
He added: “We admire your courage and we will continue to provide more aid and support,” he continued, adding that “Europe stands with” the people of Ukraine
BBC commentator John Simpsons, has cited the criticism from Zelensky toward NATO for letting his country down by failing to impose a no-fly zone, is a sign they’re undependable.
Simpsons wrote that: “President Zelensky has already prepared the way for this, by asking Nato for something it couldn’t agree to (establishing a no-fly-zone over Ukraine), then criticising the alliance for letting him down on this, and finally musing out loud that he wasn’t sure that if Nato behaved like this, it was actually worth joining.”