Thumbs up for Gilbert Bukenya
I don’t know why it took so long for former vice president Gilbert Bukenya to realize that he doesn’t belong in politics.
When receiving his new vehicle from the state minister for public service, Kampala this week the former Vice President Gilbert Bukenya announced that he had quit politics to concentrate on his private venture of farming and consultancy.
This came as good news because as a professor of medicine, Bukenya is one expert who has been wasting his talents in politics. When you look back at his attempts with politics, you can clearly conclude that he was not cut out to be a politician.
Now that he has quit politics, I believe the country is about to benefit from his knowledge and skills and rise up to development. If you remember very well, it’s professor Gilbert Bukenya who introduced the idea of growing rice in Uganda. With such proficiency in agriculture and medicine, I believe he will inspire many youth to join farming thus increase economic opportunities.