Allegations of pouring slippery oil on high ways to cause accidents need investigation
It is a known fact that whenever we are approaching the festive days, these accidents just increase.
There is no clear reason, for example as to why the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) does nothing to rectify the problem of ‘black spots’ known and scattered along these high ways even after knowing that these are black spots .
Can we blame this on corruption or can we blame this on sheer incompetence of people who are supposed to do a job.
Whatever the case, I kindly request both Police and UNRA to do something because whatever is happening is trully scaring.
Rumours are rife that there are some idle natives near these black spots who pour oil on the already slippery road with the aim of causing accidents so that they can vandalize cars of the victims.
Other than that, many of the accident spots are known and residents of such spots are always in wait to steal from victims, for example just recently a TV news clip showed a man complaining about people using his axe to get victims out of wreckages and never paying him.
What does this tell you – either there are always accidents at this particular spot for this young man to make this an occupation out of it or he is one of those people who make sure that road accidents happen at this particular spot.
I am of the view that this calls for Police and UNRA’s investigation to find out whether such allegations hold any water.
If these allegations are at all true, I believe the Police ought to intervene and deploy officers to curb this dangerous situation.
I am really afraid for my life.