Was Kayihura a god?
The way news spread about Kale Kayihura’s sacking and the speculation on what went wrong not forgetting the jubilation, one can think that Kayihura was a god who had fallen from the skies. I really don’t find anything amusing or shocking in Kayihura’s situation. We are speaking of a perfect human being who is imperfect living in an imperfect world.
In a professional world, whatever happened to Kayihura can happen to anyone so why the big fuss? I really don’t see any big deal in someone losing his position at work if he has failed to perform. It happens all the time. So, why should we persecute Kayihura as if he was god almighty? Why should we spell out a background on his upbringing, education, family and career path as if he has come to an end?
We should remember that he was once a patriot we valued so if he has failed in his role, let’s leave aside the judgements and condemnations and give him a good farewell and leave it at that.
Dianah Matovu, Kampala