Apathy among Govt school officials
This is to express my disappointment with the ongoing closure of private schools by government school inspectors in a bid to upgrade structures of buildings and hygiene. I wouldn’t like to sound like someone who’s opposing government’s effort to make good standards of schools but I find the whole process hilarious given that most government owned schools are in a more pathetic state than the private schools that have been closed.
It has become a government policy to torture our local investors and yet establishing a good school in this micro-economy is a gradual process which needs a government cordial understanding and financial bailout from either the government or foreign donors just like the way our government normally sustains its projects.
I want our government to name out any of its ministry, agency or institution which runs its national budget without donor funding, borrowed money or grants. If there is no single project in government without financial bailout, why does the same government expect our parents or guardians who pay their children’s tuition in fractions to prioritize structures when school utilities such as salaries, library books etc are pending?
The education system in Uganda is competitive and on rational, private schools are performing better than government owned school which means that our government should find a way to help some schools in form of grants to fix loopholes at schools rather than sabotaging school curriculum in its ongoing crackdown.
Trevor Muyanja, Buziga Kampala