Taking advantage of devil worshipers
Recently, I went to Ssezibwa Falls and Forest in Lugazi to sample its tourist attraction; but I had been alerted that the place was also used by mediums and other persons for devil devotion. What I found both amazed and profited me.
Somewhere along the river, as the water cascades around a rock, there were people who were kneeling and praying by at a place a bit higher up which was dry.
They were not only giving their adoration to the rock, but were throwing some quite substantial money at the foot of it. I believe this was an offer to the spirits that some nyangoma was supposed to pick.
After some time, they left; and I found that I was the only person left at the site. I looked around suspiciously, but then went forward, gathered and pocketed the money. I will not say how much, but it settled a good number of my debts.
I believe it was God’s Will that I went on that tourism visit.
Kalinda Mukalazi, Kyengera