Destroying shrines steps on big fishs’ toes
I read with interest the story that the Mukono Resident Judge, Margaret Mutonyi, has ruled that all the shrines in this country be destroyed.
This comes in the wake of the Kayunga situation, where a witchdoctor was discovered with many graves of dead bodies of people who had disappeared, initially without trace.
This witch doctor is being held by police to answer charges that he cut up the human body parts for witchcraft, maybe as payment by “clients”.
Many politicians including ministers and high ranking officials own shrines. The fact is that many of the big politicians in this country practice witchcraft in an attempt to stay in office. And they have constructed shrines in various places of the country to consult their satanic mediums for the purpose.
I should tell the erstwhile judge that, even around Mt. Elgon, in Bugisu, where she comes from, there is such a shrine. To start with, she should mobilize the people of Mbale to destroy that shrine.
I warn her that she may disturb a politician’s bees’ hornet’s nest. These fellows are extremely touchy where they think their bread is buttered. So she should watch out whose toes she is stepping on.
Enoch Wambede, Mbale