Killing of Rev. Fr. Kato, direct blame for Traffic Police
The killing of Fr. Augustine Kato at the Lweza Zebra Crossing has to be laid squarely at the shoulders of the Traffic Police. Never mind that the actual crime was committed by a runaway motorist. In fact, it is because of the lack of commitment they have shown to the matters of traffic that such incidents happen.
We have complained to the authorities about the lack of direction that the country has fallen into without much ado. This is well borne out by the way the Traffic Police is operating. You simply need to station yourself in any of the road places they are at, to observe the lack of seriousness with which these officers conduct themselves.
For one: the bodaboda are a traffic law unto themselves. For another, if you stand by a zebra crossing, even while a Traffic Policemen is present, the motorists behave as if there is no zebra crossing and no Policeman by. Does it therefore, surprise anybody that Fr. Kato was knocked to death at a zebra crossing?
I do not know who or where we shall turn to for law to be observed in this country before all of us fall victim to indiscriminate and senseless behavior of the people who appear to be operatives of the Government.
Angela Nantalo, Kisugu, Kampala