Which of the Covid-19 Vaccines is best for Uganda’s Use?

The COVID-19 vaccine
We are told that Ugandan scientists are working round the clock to develop, either a medicine, or vaccine for Covid-19. They are with the Imperial College, London. We wish this effort speedy success.
As that is going on, already other countries have come up with the vaccines which are in the last stages of trials in the respective countries to be administered to the populations. The World Health Organization (WHO), is also saying that, as much as these developed countries are at an advantage to start the vaccinations, they must have the Developing countries in mind for the initial segments of the populations to receive them.
Of the vaccines on offer, which are ideal for Uganda? There as of now six vaccines ready for use. PfizerBioNtech, OxfordAstraZeneca, Moderna, Sputnik V, Sinopharm and Sinovac.
They say PfizerBioNtech and Moderna have to be kept in super-cold temperatures even when they are being delivered. The Russia Sputnic V and the Chinese ones subscribe to similar conditions. That leaves OxfordAstraZeneca, which apparently is ideal for Uganda, as its temperature conditions are manageable.
That may indicate that we should go with AstraZeneca. What is the Ministry of Health saying about this?
Marilyn Nantezza