Zimba Women to hold First Annual Women Technology Business Summit
Zimba Women, Communication and Technology” (ICT).
Zimba Women, is a flagship project of the Zimba Group – a leading information technology (IT) solutions-provider – specializing in provision of technical and software solutions for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It will bring more than 300 women, who running women-led businesses.
Speaking at the launch its first annual two- day summit on Tuesday in Kampala, dubbed, “Breaking Business Barriers”, the chief operations officer of Zimba Women, Peace Kuteesa, explained that the summit is to empower women by training them on how to use ICT to transform their business.
“Zimba Women have established a socio-economic conscious business environment that includes full support of women entrepreneurs. It could potentially bring millions out of poverty and reduce an alarming gender income gap on the African Continent, through the use of ICT,” Kuteesa added.
Zimba Women co-founder, Elizabeth Kasujja, said that the summit will include an eventful program that will showcase a women’s business program on gender, a business road show and mentorship. She explained that Zimba Women is working with tech and governmental institutions such as; NTF III Uganda, Uganda Investment Authority, the American Embassy, Facebook, Smart Girls Uganda, to name only few.
Kasujja said, ”It is to create opportunities for women to actively, safely and fairly participate in the economy by providing access to skills and training for women on project activities including but not limited to entrepreneurship training, business coaching, mentoring, knowledge transfer, customized business training, access to networks and resources, and increased business exposure linkages.”
She said economic empowerment can be a critical lever for change in adolescent girls’ lives, helping them to gain financial independence, establish good saving habits, and improve their future prospects for participation in the labour force.
It can also provide girls with more mobility and promote their confidence and strengthen their health outcomes. As adolescent girls’ lives improve so do the well- being of their families and communities, she added.
The two-day summit will be sponsored by Facebook, the world’s leading social media platform, the American Embassy, among others. It is scheduled to take place at Sheraton Hotel, Kampala from 28th to 29th September, 2016.