What’s wrong with our Police?
Since I saw in the news what happened to one of Lwakataka’s men, who was shot dead while he ran away in his car from the Police, I have been asking myself what is wrong with our Police Force.
It was revealed that this man was smuggling fish; and when the Police tried to stop him and he refused. They decided to shoot at his car.
The Police have been given the mandate to arrest criminals; it therefore, has no right to shoot at a suspect or an offender, unless they pose a threat to their lives. So how come this person was shot at when he didn’t even possess a gun? Is such a thing right in the books of our laws?
If the Police had wanted to stop this man’s car, all they would have done was to shoot the car’s tyres; this would have stopped the car. Does this mean that they had an intention to kill; or, is our Police such cowards that a mere twitch from a suspect makes them quake in their boots?
As an offender, a person has a right to be taken to the Courts of Law and judged accordingly. If his crime is worth a death sentence, then he would deserve that; but before the court, the Police has no right to sentence a suspect or an offender to death.
I therefore request the IGP Kale Kayihura to arrest the policemen who were responsible for shooting that man. Even if he stole the fish, they had no right to take away his life.