UCC will have to compensate cell phones they de-regulate

Godfrey Mutabazi
What does Godfrey Mutabazi, the Executive Director of Uganda Communications Commissions (UCC), mean by saying that when he de-regulates the fake cell-phones the owners will lose all they spent for having bought them?
The majority of the people who buy phones do not know whether the phones are fake or not. All they want is to own a phone.
Now, the numbers of phones they are talking about are nine million. That is a lot of phones; in terms of money that is billions of shillings.
How come UCC allowed the Bureau of Standards to let the fake phones to come into the country, and then they suddenly turn around to say they are going to cancel the cards of those phones? This has to be termed as robbery of the most pernicious nature. Who is going to compensate all those people for the loss of their money they spent buying the phones?
Evangelista Mudoodo