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NRM’s Tubonge musicians in panic


NRM’s Tubonge musicians in panic

Musican Bebe Cool featured very prominently in the 'Tubonga nawe' song

Musican Bebe Cool featured very prominently in the ‘Tubonga nawe’ song

Grapevine has learnt that most musicians that took part in the NRM campaign are living in fear, which has prompted government to give them armed escort who are stationed in their homes.

Grapevine has also learnt that since the campaigns ended, non of these Tubonge musicians have been in night joints and this seems to be a decision that was agreed on by all those who were involved.

Could Kampalans be so emotional as to threaten their beloved musicians? Grapevine hopes that this is a just a passing cloud and it wont turn out to be some ugly scene for our musicians!

Meanwhile, our snoops in London tell us that Haruna Mubiru’s Valentine show was a total flop just because Harunah Kitooke associated himself with the NRM

Mbu most of the kyeyo guys were disappointed with the musicians.

A similar incidence also happened in Dubai where the Gudlyfe duo had gone to entertain mbu, the Ugandans there shunned the show to show solidarity with the Opposition.

This boycott Rafiki prays also hopes it will pass………….



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