Rema takes over hubby Kenzo’s social media accounts
Rafiki was watching citizen TV recently and was hugely impressed by the interview Kenzo gave.
Kenzo did the interview in perfect English keeping his fingers crossed all the time to avoid making any English blunders which had turned him into a laughing stock of sorts. Well, his carefulness paid off and I must commend him for the good language.
Now news reaching Rafiki have it that Kenzo’s recent post where he advised his fans to develop a saving culture back fired and this caused mama wa baana Rema a lot of embarrassment.
After that embarrassment, Rafiki has learnt that the lady of the house has now taken it upon herself to be posting all her hubbies thoughts on social media.
How long this will last only time will tell.
But we at Grapevine believe its in the right direction, afterall, Islams says that ‘a good woman, is that one who can shields her husband from shame.