Cindy poses for Ugshs 6m
Rafiki can now confirm that our musicians are becoming more desperate with each passing day.
Rafiki is privy to info that a magazine has paid Cindy (USD 2000) about around 6 million shillings to undress.
Mbu, but the magazine has paid a site that you can watch it all on the net.
Now that is what I call desperation, it should be remembered that this is Cindy’s second time with the first time being in 2008 when she was still with Blu 3.
Could she be trying to copy her name sake Cindy Crawford who in 2014 posed naked at the age of almost fifty to earn some dime?
Should we call this attention seeking since in January this year she went on social media to tell people about her bedroom antics with the man organ where she almost stripped naked performing in Musk lounge!