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Fresh Dairy rewards social media clients in Kids With Fresh Dairy Yoghurt Challenge


Fresh Dairy rewards social media clients in Kids With Fresh Dairy Yoghurt Challenge

incent Omoth – Marketing Manager, Fresh Dairy (left) hands over goodies to Nellywn Ahirweomugisha (centre), son to Ainembabazi Charity (right) who was among the winners of the ‘Kids with Fresh Dairy yoghurt challenge’, a social media promotion aimed at encouraging parents and guardians to ensure that their children are consuming 1-Yoghurt-a-Day as a healthy and nutritious snack.

In a gesture to give back to the public  Fresh Dairy rewarded  several winners of its ‘Kids with Fresh Dairy yoghurt’ challenge with an assortment of goodies to include products such as Yoghurt, Fresh milk, Flavoured milk and UHT/Long life milk.

The ‘Kids with Fresh Dairy yoghurt’ challenge which is running across Fresh Dairy’s social media platforms is aimed at encouraging parents and guardians to ensure that their children are consuming 1-Yoghurt-a-Day as a healthy and nutritious snack.

Marketing Manager Fresh Dairy – Vincent Omoth said, ‘Yoghurt as one of the products we produce at Fresh Dairy is an ideal nutrition booster for children because it is a healthy and nutritious snack rich in Vitamin A and D, Calcium and Potassium. In turn, running this 1-month-long ‘Kids with Fresh Dairy challenge’ has encouraged parents and guardians to give their children yoghurt, before submitting/ sharing those pictures as evidence onto our social media platforms – Facebook –  @Freshdairyug and Twitter – @FreshDairyUg. All pictures are entered into a weekly draw which is held at the end of each week to award winners.’

‘We have received an overwhelming number of pictures of children 12 years and below from parents and guardians, which goes a long way in re-assuring us that indeed, Fresh Dairy Yoghurt is being consumed as a healthy and nutritious snack.

This week’s winners, who total to 10 out of the many who are being rewarded all throughout the promotion are: Ainembabazi Charity, Kizza Maritasha, Aisha Bukenya, Pretty Jo, Tramelyin Jenser, Bridgette Mary, Irakunda Annete, Caribbean Phifi, Nassali Rhitah and Defiant Matn.

Omoth thanked all parents and guardians that have shared with Fresh Dairy all those special moment pictures of their children enjoying Fresh Dairy Yoghurt, and encouraged more to take part because the ‘Kids with Fresh Dairy yoghurt’ challenge ends next week on 28th June 2019.



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