Why Uganda is failing?
June 23, 2013It’s now less debatable that Museveni has failed, yet it likely that even if replaced him...
Tax us fine; but where are the services?
June 21, 2013Countries that have performed growth miracles in the last four decades, particularly the East Asian Tigers...
Why I no longer lose sleep over budget
June 14, 2013Uganda's budget has become a meaningless document containing promises that will never be fulfilled!At university where...
Economy won’t recover under this uncertainty
June 7, 2013Mr President, in February this year, I wrote in these very pages that your failure to...
Economy won’t recover under this uncertainty
June 6, 2013Mr President; why have you chosen a growth retarding path when it is you who had...
The next president might need more sympathy than votes!
May 25, 2013I warned you, Mr. President, against Bukenya; now I gather you are determined to take the...
Ugandans await Museveni’s guard of honour
May 18, 2013All leaders that left the stage at the right time enjoyed a guard of honour, not...
Vision 2040: A dream without destiny
May 4, 2013No BIG PLAN will transform Uganda from a peasant to a modern country in the next...
Is Museveni’s vision still tenable?
April 13, 2013Mr. President, you have condemned our country to random and haphazard policies -- big government, small...
The legacy of the 27: The passing of Kategeya should offer a rude awakening to our bush-war heroes!
March 26, 2013On June 2, 2005, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Center for Strategic...